About Us

Kula Partners is an agency that serves a global base of B2B manufacturing clients from our Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada headquarters. 

Our clients sell within complex, technical environments and we help them take a more targeted, account-focused approach to drive revenue growth within niche markets.

From the start, and in a multitude of ways, we have worked to create an agency where People Matter, Objects Don’t. On a very practical level, this means we believe that our work isn’t about the objects we create, but about how what we create connects people to each other.

People Matter, Objects Don’t also shows up every day in our culture. We try to live every day taking Oscar Wilde’s advice to “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken”. We don’t stand on ceremony, and we have no time for malicious obedience. We expect each other to always be working hard to be better.

Last but not least—People Matter, Objects Don’t is the yardstick. It’s how we measure everything and every decision. We have this crazy belief that if you create a business that truly has People Matter at the core of its DNA, it will deliver extraordinary results for the right clients while simultaneously being a pretty great place for the people who choose to advance their careers there. For us, to create an agency that matters is to create one where People Matter.



W. White


Jesse Mawhinney Jesse Mawhinney

Vice President


Strategy Director

What’s In A Name?

We get our name from the Kula ring, a ceremonial exchange system conducted in the Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea. Famously studied by Bronisław Malinowski, the father of modern anthropology, the Kula ring was also central to Marcel Mauss’ examination of gift economies.

The Kula Partners logo

While a dramatic oversimplification (we encourage you to read the full wikipedia entry here), the power and value of Kula is found in how the objects connect people to each other. Ownership of Kula remains often unknown, and possession of Kula is generally only for the purpose of continued trade and fostering additional human connections. We see an interesting parallel to today’s world of marketing—where the true value of the experiences and content we create is in the connectivity and relationships they foster.