Alistair Morton

Alistair Morton is an award-winning UX/UI designer with a career spanning two decades, during which he has collaborated with some of Toronto’s most prestigious agencies and startups. As a UX Designer, Creative, Product Owner, and Accessibility enthusiast, Alistair brings a wealth of experience in User Experience and Visual Design to his projects. His expertise lies in understanding design psychology and placing the needs of users at the forefront of all of his work.

Beyond his professional endeavours, Alistair finds joy in the simple pleasures of life. He is a devoted pet parent to two Cocker Spaniels, finds solace and adventure in cycling, and indulges in his passion for gaming. These personal pursuits further enrich his creative mindset and contribute to his well-rounded approach as a designer. Alistair Morton’s talent, coupled with his dedication to creating meaningful user experiences, has garnered him accolades and established him as a respected figure in the field of UX/UI design.


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