Ashley Corbett

Ashley Corbett is a writer by trade with a hunger for what’s next—making the dynamic landscape of digital marketing a perfect match for her. 

Ashley approaches storytelling with a focus on both creativity and accessibility. She looks for fresh ideas while always considering the user’s needs. Her mantra goes something like this: what’s the point of a fantastic story if it doesn’t reach the right audience, and resonate with them? 

Throughout her varied career in journalism, publishing, and advertising, the power of effective communication has always remained her guide. And at Kula, it’s no different. Whether it be by connecting with her clients, engaging new audiences, or helping users achieve their goals, communication plays a key element in the role of Strategist.

When she’s not waxing poetic, you’ll probably find Ashley with her latest craft project in hand, perusing the menu at a cocktail bar, or exploring Nova Scotia’s natural wonders.


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