Resources for Manufacturing Marketers

Manufacturing Better Content

Topic: Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, HubSpot, Insights

Type: Articles & Guides

In my work with manufacturing marketers, I have found that many of you struggle with content—what to produce, how much, and how often. I want to look at the question of “what to produce” first, because if we get that right I think it will help determine exactly how much of it we should be […]

Inbound Marketing Strategy: 3 Things Your ROI Analysis is Missing

Topic: Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Lead Generation

Type: Articles & Guides

It seems like ever since Philadelphia merchant John Wanamaker said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half,” marketers have had to work overtime to prove the ROI of their marketing efforts. As an inbound marketer, you already know the power of customer attribution and closed-loop […]

How To Nail An Inbound-Optimized Website Redesign

Topic: Content Marketing, Design, Digital Marketing

Type: Articles & Guides

Like building a house without a blueprint, redesigning your website without a solid inbound plan can leave you dealing with poor construction, a lack of functionality, and a wasted budget. Answering these critical five questions before you redesign your website is an excellent start, and developing a more comprehensive inbound strategy at the outset of your redesign project can […]

Account Based Marketing (ABM): A Primer

Topic: Business Strategy, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Lead Generation

Type: Articles & Guides

If you offer a product or service that requires a very defined type of buyer, chances are you should be marketing your product or service with just as much focus. High-value accounts that are qualified to purchase your product may deserve more of your undivided attention—perhaps to the point that you individually tailor your tactics […]

4 ROI Metrics Your CEO Will Ask About [And how to be prepared to answer]

Topic: Content Marketing, Digital Marketing

Type: Articles & Guides

In the past marketers relied solely on outbound push strategies, pouring money into interruption based lead generation activities like buying email lists, cold calling, executing mass mail campaigns, and buying advertising space. These efforts aren’t only expensive, but hard to measure and difficult to control. Additionally, there isn’t any long-term value associated with outbound marketing […]

Is Your Website Content Attracting Quality Leads?

Topic: Content Marketing, Digital Marketing

Type: Articles & Guides

Content is king. In fact, content is king, queen and crown prince of the Internet. So why would you go through the trouble of creating a beautifully designed website that is full of sub par content? Content is what attracts people to your site. If you are thinking about redeveloping your website, a content evaluation […]

10 Tips to Kick Start your Business Blog

Topic: Business Strategy, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing

Type: Articles & Guides

Starting a blog for your business might feel a bit overwhelming. Newly minted bloggers often struggle to come up with enough relevant topics to continuously generate new content. Luckily, there are a number of quick and easy tips to overcome this problem. These 10 simple tips will help you tap into relevant conversations and generate […]

How to Create Email Newsletters your Subscribers Actually Want to Read

Topic: Content Marketing, Digital Marketing

Type: Articles & Guides

Email newsletters often get a bad reputation. Some marketers are guilty of abusing email privileges and sending too many sales pitch emails. Such efforts soil relationships with contacts in your email list. A well crafted email newsletter provides readers with focused, valuable content. Things like white papers, best practice guides, educational content, or content exclusively […]

Avoid Alienating Clients by Abstaining from Jargon

Topic: Content Marketing

Type: Articles & Guides

“Oh you’ll love this house. It shows very well.” I’ll ignore the fact that the Realtor who said this to me hadn’t even listened to the lot number I asked her about and instead focused on a property over two miles from it. The real problem I have with this statement is this: the terminology should […]


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