Website redesign: how long will your next site last?

Topic: Design

Type: Articles & Guides

Most websites we build at Kula are redesigns of previously existing sites. Sometimes we’re building the fifth or sixth iteration of a site, sometimes the second. Some of these redesigns are due to limiting or non-existent content management systems. Some companies need to rebrand. Almost all use dated front end coding techniques that don’t work […]

Five reasons responsive design is better than a mobile website

Topic: Design, Development

Type: Articles & Guides

At Kula, we’ve been developing responsive websites for well over two years. Back then, your options for taking your site mobile were to either build a platform-specific app for the App Store, create a mobile specific presence such as a .mobi site, or do nothing and allow the user to try to navigate a site designed for […]

Search is the New Domain Name

Topic: Design

Type: Articles & Guides

The other night, I went to see Quantum of Solace with some friends as a way to unwind after a long day of meetings. The movie was fun, if perhaps a bit unremarkable, but what really stood out for me was something I saw during one of the trailers that screened before the feature. No, […]

You Aren’t Google

Topic: Design

Type: Articles & Guides

You’re not Apple either. As a small to medium-sized enterprise there is much that we can learn from those at the top of the business world. But, this doesn’t mean that you should copy what these companies are doing online simply because they’re good at what they do. I can’t count the number of times that I’ve […]


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