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Sweat Equity: Driving Employment and Marketing Through Tales from the Shop Floor

This week on the show we are talking to Stephanie Austin from Zentech Manufacturing. She has just begun a journey of illuminating the manufacturing world to those outside of it. Through talking to people on the manufacturing floor she is telling the story of modern manufacturing for prospective employees and customers alike. This is a cool approach and we are lucky enough to be a part of the conversation early.

Seeley Logo

From There to Here:The Story of an International Brand Expansion into North America

Marketers talk about building brand awareness, getting seen, being known. What if your brand is known the world over, but you have the task of introducing it in the Americas? Eric Graham is on the show this week discussing how he is doing that with Seeley. An Australian brand that is ubiquitous everywhere that isn’t the Americas. We discuss how he is leveraging solidified brand and marketing strategies to replicate global success in an emerging market. Plus, we talk about wine, what’s better than that?

A Water Treatment Marketer and Top of the Funnel Content Marketing

The connection can’t be missed on this one! Funnel, water, see that? Jim Lauria is here to talk about some strategies that have worked well for him and Mazzei around content creation and marketing. Adding value to not only his own company but to Mazzei’s partners as well. Jim brings a ton of knowledge and experience on what content looks like done right, and how an AI will never replace the human touch.

Decoding Manufacturing Marketing for Non-Marketers

As marketers, the conversation invariably comes up: “what do you actually do?” Sometimes, that conversation leads to non-marketers putting in their two-cents on the process. Suzi McNicholas, Director of Marketing and Transformation at Johnson Controls, tells us that this is because everyone is a consumer of something and has been marketed to at some point. In this episode, Suzi helps explain what makes B2B marketing in a manufacturing context unique.

Creating an Effective Sales Enablement Content Strategy

Sarah Carson from packaging design and manufacturing company, Rohrer, talks about bringing together marketing and sales teams from two organizations, building in-house capabilities, and her approach to creating powerful sales enablement content.


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